Top Regress Perform Ports Release Net Running

OpenBSD regress results amd64 armv7 arm64 i386 macppc octeon powerpc64 riscv64 sparc64 latest

All tests in /usr/src/regress are run every day by cron(8). The test machines are automatically installed from an i386 or amd64 snapshot, the current source tree is checked out and necessary packages are installed. The results are shown over the time in a HTML table. Complete log output from the setup and test run exist. Tests are skipped if packages are missing, if they are specific for another architecture, or if additional remote machines are missing. The framework to run everything is available at github.

Anton Lindqvist runs an alternative OpenBSD testing site It provides less architectures, but builds the system from sources and runs regress with a matching checkout from cvs.

running tests current overview

OpenBSD cvs checkout performance all 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 7.6 current latest

An OpenBSD release is installed. Based on that, the kernel sources for a specific date are checked out from cvs. A new kernel is built, installed, and performace tests are executed with that. The checkout, build, test is iterated in a loop while advancing the cvs checkout date in steps. Currently iperf TCP and UDP, tcpbench TCP and kernel build times are measured. To reach over incompatibilities between the kernel and user land or build enviroment, so called build quirks are used. Then the necessary parts of the source tree are updated or patched. After building and installing the relevant tools, checkout and building kernel continues.

running tests current overview

OpenBSD ports test results amd64 arm64 i386 latest

Run make test for selected ports. Currently these are mostly Perl ports maintained by Alexander Bluhm. To extend the list, send an e-mail to bluhm@.

running tests current overview

OpenBSD release build all amd64 arm64 i386 macppc powerpc64 latest

Make build and release.

running tests current overview

OpenBSD net link iface-em sparc64 modify-all iface-all kvm vmware current latest

Configure physical and pseudo network interfaces on OpenBSD machine. Run network and forwarding test between OpenBSD and Linux.

running tests current overview


Thanks to genua GmbH for work time, rack space, hardware, network, and electricity.

Alexander Bluhm, Jan Klemkow, Moritz Buhl
